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Christmas Tree and Christmas Eve

Steven Masood’s response to the following question: ‘As a Muslim I see Christmas tree and Christmas eve celebration as pagan. You used to be a Muslim, how do you now as a Christian make room for such a pagan celebration?’

The Fear of God leading to eternal life

A Biblical fear of God, for the believer in Christ, includes understanding how much God hates sin. The fear of God has several results. We avoid evil (Proverbs 16:6). God delights in us and extends His mercy through Christ (Psalm 147:11; Luke 1:50).

A response to spiritual questions Muslims ask

Steven Masood shares his thoughts on how to respond to some questions Muslim friends ask about our Christian faith: 1. Do you believe in Muhammad and the Qur’an? 2. I believe in Jesus as a prophet of God, why can’t you believe in Muhammad as the final prophet? 3. Why don’t you become a Muslim? 4. Why do you believe in three gods? 5. How can Jesus be the Son of God? 6. Jesus was not really crucified. 7. The Bible has been altered, corrupted. 8. Why is Jesus the only way?

Key Islamic beliefs in comparision to Christianity

Be aware! Islam uses Judeo-Christian vocabulary but uses its own dictionary. Important factors of belief in God, the Scriptures, Abraham and Jesus are compared. Islamic idea of Jihad, salvation and eternal life is evaluated in the light of the Christian Scriptures.